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Content Language Select the content language for displaying show titles, descriptions and subtitles. Like an Annie Hall or a 500 Days of Summer, but with more onscreen ejaculation. Maybe you've heard some murmurings about Love, Gaspar Noé's new 135-minute porno erotic French romance film—which is now playing in select theaters in New York.
If your grandparents are like my grandparents, they are invariably sound asleep by the end of a movie's opening credits, whether the film in question is The King's Speech or Mission: Impossible. If you're trying to watch Love 2015 and it isn't loading, please check our page to report it as a dead link.
- When Yi Ru tells Shi De of her diagnosis and that she has always wanted to marry and have children before she died, Shi De agrees to marry her.
Maybe you've heard some murmurings about Love, Gaspar Noé's new 135-minute porno erotic French romance film—which is now playing in select theaters in New York. Love purports to be—and, at its best moments, is—a love story told through sex scenes. A love-and-loss story, really; you learn early on that the central pair have long since broken up, and the rest of the film fleshes out why it happens and what happens next. Like an Annie Hall or a 500 Days of Summer, but with more onscreen ejaculation. In fact, let's assume 500 Days of Ejaculation was the working title. Consider this one very carefully, because the fact that you're comfortable discussing sex with your buddies should not be taken to mean you'll be comfortable observing sex with your buddies. Do you want your pals to be one armchair over while you're getting a little short of breath—and vice versa? Steer clear; the turmoil and dysfunction might resonate more deeply than the equally abundant hot sex. If your grandparents are like my grandparents, they are invariably sound asleep by the end of a movie's opening credits, whether the film in question is The King's Speech or Mission: Impossible. And in that case, yes, you can see Love with them. In fact, these are your ideal companions for viewing Gaspar Noé's Love. Reassure them afterward that it was boring and way too French; they didn't miss much. © 2018 Condé Nast. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast.
'Love' - A Film by Gaspar Noé (Trailer)
It contains only links to the third party hosting websites such as Vodlocker, Youtube, Putlocker, Novamov, Nowvideo, Sockshare, Billionuploads, Allmyvideos, Sharesix, Megavideo, Gorillavid, Thefile, MovShare, Muchshare, Mightyupload, Clicktowatch, Bestreams, Vidzi, Flashx, DivxStage, Promptfile, Videoweed, ShareRepo, Vidbux, Vidbull, Vidto, Nosvideo, Movreel, Youwatch, Videomega, Picasa, Videozed and many more. This movie is hosted on third party server and was not uploaded by MOVIE2KTO or any person affiliated with MOVIE2KTO. Comments on Love 2015 You can watch Love 2015 online free on MOVIE2KTO page by streaming the movie in the video player above or by choosing a different version to solo below it. Like an Annie Hall or a 500 Days of Summer, but with more onscreen ejaculation. Love purports to be—and, at its love noe watch online moments, is—a love story told through sex scenes. Consider this one very carefully, because the fact that you're comfortable discussing sex with your custodes should not be taken to mean you'll be comfortable observing sex with your buddies. Unaware of the effect it will have on their relationship, they invite their pretty neighbor into their bed.

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Upoznavanje i druženje - ג הוראות סעיף זה לא יחולו על שירות הבטחון הכללי והמוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים, כמעביד, לגבי עובדים בגופים האמורים או לגבי קבלת עובדים לגופים האמורים.
Али не само то, већ и чињеница да је однос жена према мушкарцима пет према један. Толика разлика у корист љепшег пола је продукт масовног исељавања мушкараца за земље Западне Европе, откако је недавно дозвољено путовање албанским пасошем без виза. Младићи одлазе, а дјевојке већином остају јер им патријархат на неки начин то налаже. Питамо га за процедуру поступка упознавања дјевојака из Албаније са момцима из других држава. Уколико се млада и младожења допадну једно другом, одлази се код младине куће, гдје она тражи сагласност родитеља за вјеридбу. Саговорник нашег портала објашњава да се често дешава и да се упознавање врши директно код младине куће, уколико то тражи њена породица. Најчешће родитељи младе прије него се цијела ствар оконча захтјевају да се увјере у имовно стање будућег зета. Инсистирају да пођу и виде како младожења живи и гдје му је кућа. Тај трошак пута и трошак вађења пасоша, који најчешће немају ни млада ни њени родитељи сноси младожења. Ипак, наглашава Дедај, долазак младине породице у обилазак младожење је углавном чиста формалност, јер је главна ствар да су се дјевојка и момак допали једно другом, и да је са обе стране саопштена истина о породичном и имовном стању, које не мора бити нарочито сјајно да би млада пристала да се уда, јер Албанке у руралнијим крајевима живе изузетно тешко. Неке албанске породице живе чак и без струје, али их то не спречава да остану патријархални, какви углавном јесу они који живе на селу. Читав посао, истиче Дедај, завршава се за двадесетак дана. Некада раније, ако млада има пасош, а некада и који дан дуже ако га нема, јер процедура регулисања пасоша траје од 4 до 20 дана, зависно од тога да ли је затражен онај који се добија ургентно и кошта нешто више, или пак у стандардној процедури. Услуга агенције која посредује кошта између 2. Младожења, по обичају који важи у Албанији, прије него изведе младу из куће њених родитеља оставља и част родитељима, на тацни од кафе. То је најчешће 100 до 200 евра, прича нам Дедај, чија агенција је до сада склопила преко 300 бракова између Албанки и држављана Србије и Црне Горе. Подразумијева се да младожења доноси прстен, уз неко ланче или наруквицу још за младу, а обавезан је и да јој купи један одевни комплет у коме излази из куће. Дедај: Клонити се превараната Дедај упозорава да је пуно превараната у овом послу. Јавно савјетујем свима који одлуче да се жене из Албаније да се клоне извјесне Вере из Скадра, која је класични преварант и пљачкаш. Она је, тврди наш саговорник, до сада преварила на стотине младића подметањем којекаквих проститутки и конобарица, које одмах на граници побјегну од младожење назад, а она истог тренутка промијени број телефона. Више пута је била у затвору та Вера, и упркос томе поново се бави преварама, каже Дедај. Све је мање Албанки за удају Дедај такође каже да је примјетан тренд опадања интересовања младих за удају према Србији и Црној Гори, јер полако и дјевојке одлазе из Албаније према Западној Европи. Момке до највише 43 године, рецимо, доста лако оженимо, али оне старије све теже и теже, јер ни Албанке не пристају више баш на велику разлику у годинама са супружником. Недавно су добили и сина из тог брака. За опцију преко фејсбука заснао сам од једног познаника из села које је суседном мом, јер се он прије мене тако оженио. И код њих је, каже Ивица, принова на путу. Ивица каже да је веома захвалан и извјесном Саши из Ниша који га је уствари и спојио са проводџијама из Сутомора и Тиране. Радо примају вјеру супруга Албанке које се удају за грађане Србије, Црне Горе и Републике Српске, углавном су католичке и исламске вјере. Православне Албанке живе на Југу и оне углавном нису у нужди за удајом ван Албаније. Евентуално се удају у Грчкој, ако не у свом крају. Међутим, готово ниједна католкиња или муслиманка не прави питање ако супруг предложи да она прими православље и вјенча се у православној цркви. Уосталом, мало ко на томе инсистира међу младожењама, каже Дедај. Наш саговорник истиче да први пут говори за медије на ову тему, јер, каже, не воли саморекламирање. О његовој коректности и коректности његових партнера са којима сарађује, вели, говоре стотине успјешних бракова и ниједна примједба српско-албанских и црногорско-албанских парова. Предрасуде и глупости Дедај каже да су највеће глупости и предрасуде приче о томе како Албанци преко жена желе да појачају свој утицај у Србији и Црној Гори. Такве приче су најобичнија пропаганда, лаж и незнање. Управо неки медији које контролишу косовски бизнисмени у Тирани воде снажну кампању да се прекине удаја Албанки за Србе и Црногорце. Нажалост та кампња је доста успјешна, јер код једног броја дјевојака су успјели да омрзну Србе и Црногорце. Ти медији ваше сународнике представљају као албанске крвнике и зато је по њима страшно што им ви на неки начин узимате њихове сунорднице које умјесто да рађају Албанце рађају Србе. Огромна је разлика између Албанаца из Албаније и оних са Косова и Метохије, прича Дедај. Ми чак Албанцима са Косова не дамо наше дјевојке јер их сматрамо преварантима у највећем броју, док Србе и Црногорце доживљавамо на много позитивнији начин. И то је феномен, али је тако — каже Дедај. Ових дана у Херцег Новом се удала 35-годишња Ина Игнијатова за 47-годишњег Зорана, приватног предузетника, а непосредно прије ње 12 Рускиња преко ове агенције Стигло је у Крушевац, Чачак, Подгорицу, Беране и Бар. И укупни трошкови су доста мањи него што је то случај са Албанијом, јер пошто нема потребе за одласком у Русију и Новорусију, уштеда је велика, будући да нема никаквих пратећих, подразумеваних трошкова. Уз уговорену цијену посла, која је око 2. Овај дио текста: Огромна је разлика између Албанаца из Албаније и оних са Косова и Метохије, прича Дедај. Ми чак Албанцима са Косова не дамо наше дјевојке јер их сматрамо преварантима у највећем броју, док Србе и Црногорце доживљавамо на много позитивнији начин. И то је феномен, али је тако — каже Дедај, ми се највише свиђа. Mogu vam potvrditi da sam upoznao pomenutu gospođu Veru iz Skadra. Ona je ustvari iz Vrake gde žive uglavnom Srbi. Pored Srba naučila je odlično srpski jezik. Vera je Albanka katoličke vere. Vera je prvoklasni prevarant i hoštapler. Dovoljno je da joj vidite facu koja sve govori. Ne znam kako da vam prosledim njenu fotografiju pa da sami vidite. Zaobiđi te je, to je moj savet, a ostali su vrlo slični njoj. Ne treba se ni venčavati sa nepravoslavnima, pitanje je koliko je dobro venčati se sa nekim koji je prešao u pravoslavnu veru zbog supružnika koliko on zaista postane Pravoslavni Hrišćanin. Neko verovatno postane, pretpostavljam da to kod većine tih nije slučaj. Ako nemate živu veru u Boga sa pravilnim ispovedanjem vere i ne živite učeći se vrlini i u trudu da se dobro živi i ako ne živite evharistijski niste istinski Hrišćanin. Mislim i da nisu dobri takvi masovni primeri venčavanja sa pripadnicima drugih naroda, mislim da je značejno očuvati karakteristične gene koje imamo. Svaki čovek nasleđuje mnogo bioloških faktora od predaka i svaka etnička grupa ima svojih bioloških posebnosti, čak se ljudi iz istog naroda koji žive u različitim krajevima zemlje podosta razlikuju po fizionomiji osim što imaju posebne i autentične dijalekte i drugačije običaje.
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А Срби су сами себи направили проблем-ниси Србин ако ниси православни. Ипак, наглашава Дедај, долазак младине породице у обилазак младожење је углавном чиста формалност, јер је главна ствар да су се дјевојка и момак допали једно другом, и да је са обе стране саопштена истина о породичном и имовном стању, које не мора бити нарочито сјајно да би млада пристала да се уда, јер Албанке у руралнијим крајевима живе изузетно тешко. Voljela bih naci starijeg galantnog gospodina za vruce dopisivanje i vatreno uzivanje. This date does not necessarily reflect the expiration date of the domain name registrant's agreement with the sponsoring registrar. I'd like to open a personal account levodopa benserazide tablets The city of 500,000, on the Sea of Azov, is vital for eastern Ukraine's steel and grain exports and elements the coastal route from the Russian border to Crimea, the Black Sea peninsula in southern Ukraine seized by Russia last March. Burke, who comes out of Sag Harbor, L. It is up to 15 characters albanke za upoznavanje elmaza domain names is important in terms of standards. The sincere addition of cash back on purchases depending on your gamerscore was particularly nice. החוק מונע ממעביד לדרוש זאת מעובד והחוק אוסר על מעביד שלא לקבל לעבודה עובד שסירב למסור הפרופיל הרפואי לידי המעביד.

Pokemon light platinum lauren region walkthrough guide
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©2018 Pokémon ©1995-2018 Nintendo, Creatures and GAME FREAK ® and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. Once youre all done, leave the Gym and head towards Guardian Tower. Once you proceed into the main area, you will not be able to turn back, when you're ready, talk to the lady and she'll let you through to Aaron, the first member of the Elite Four.
For now, have a Pokemon that can learn Surf and Waterfall in your party, and head north out of Sunyshore City. Head down the stairs and Surf to the right, then Surf up to the waterfall. You get a message saying that it was successfully patched.
Pokemon Light Platinum Walkthrough - At least as long as you spoke to Thomas before coming to Dardusk City he was on the beach by the Rock Smash Hiker.
You dont get to pick your rivals name this time however, we all like their names to much. You start off in a dream sequence, with Arceus surrounded by Palkia, Dialga and Gratina. Arecus disappears, everythings starts shaking and then you wake up in your bed in Yellow Town. Head to the stairs and your mom will come up with a message from Prof. Jasmine asking you to go to Central City. Shell also ask you to set the clock. Leave the house, and immediately Kaori the current champion of the Zhery League will show up and take you to Central City on his Salamence. In Central City, Kaori will take you to the empty lake where youll meet Professor Jasmine and Ash. They have you translate the stone in the lake, and Prof. Jasmine will decide that it needs to be destroyed. Kaori will take care of that with Empoleon and fill the lake. Ash and Kaori will take off and youll be jumped by a member of Team Steam that was hiding nearby. Professor Jasmine will ask you to pick a Pokemon to fight the Grunt. The Professor will take you to her lab, talk to her and shell tell you to head to Marfeny Lake, easy of Central City to find Professor Oak for her. Talk to her again to receive a Pokeball. On the right side on the outside of Jasmines Lab is a staircase that leads to a room with an Elekid. Either leave it alone altogether or take it, because when it asks Do you want this Pokemon? When youre done head north to Route 401. Near the sign, in front of the berry trees the little round ones a person will give you TM46, Thief. Teach it to a Pokemon and you can steal berries from trees. Two pokeballs in the grass hold potions. Ultra Ball Old man on bench TM01 Focus Punch Blackbelt with Croagunk Growlithe Guy between Safari Zone and Contest Hall Amulet Coin house with Shinx Contest Pass Lady in Contest Hall NOTE There is a visual Glitch relating to the Contest Hall. If you enter a Contest you will forever have an image of the first Pokemon shown superimposed on the screen every time you are offered a Pokemon. The Glitch disappears when you leave or enter a room, but will reappear next time youre offered a Pokemon. If you enter another Contest, the superimposed Pokemon will change to whatever was first in that Contest. If you want to avoid this glitch, dont enter any contests. Welcome to Central City! Its got everything a new trainer could want, a Pokemon Center, Pokemart, Contest hall, Safari Zone and Radio Tower! Too bad it you cant buy any Pokeballs here Oh well. The second floor of the radio tower is currently closed. In the Safari Zone, you can go to 4 different areas. The left attendant takes you to either the Marsh Zone or the Field Zone, the right one has the Ice Zone and the Desert Zone. Once youre done exploring and picking up freebies, head east towards Marfeny Lake! There are two Feebas on the shore, Kenta catches one and the other attacks Oak. Almost as terrifying as a rogue Magikarp! You jump in and fight a wild Feebas! Note Feebas is predominantly male, but if you save before the event you can reload and youll eventually find a female Feebas Lv3 26 After you either defeat or capture the Feebas, youll deliever your message from Professor Jasmine and Oak and Kenta will take off. Head back to Yellow Town! Hes now off to the Central City Radio Tower, so lets head back! Chikorita OR Cyndaquil OR Totodile Go into the Radio Tower and youll find you can access the 2nd floor now! Talk to Oak and hell give you a National Dex. After Kenta leaves, talk to Oak again and hell offer you 3 Pokemon. First hell offer you Chokorita. If you turn him down and talk to him again hell offer Cyndaquil. Turn him down again and hell offer Totodile. Before you leave the city be sure to stock up on Antidotes, those darn Venipedes and Whirlipedes coming up have a nasty habit of poisoning your Pokemon. Now its time to continue on our quest, head west to Route 402. Once the events are finished, you can continue. Head to the bridge and youll see Diamond looking into the water. Theres a drowning Pichu! Save it and itll battle you. Pichu Lv5 Once the battles over Diamond will introduce himself and challenge you. As you pass him, hell stop you and after a quick demonstration will give you TM17 Headbutt before heading on his way. Keep going north and youll meet Inhores Gym Leader, Jessica. Shell tell you about a problem with the Combee, and her Vespiqueen will clear the small trees blocking Inhore Woods. Youll find a hive of angry Combee, but theyll chase you out if you try to enter. Head out of the Woods to the north part of Route 403. Route 403 Keep going north to Inhore City. Shell inform you that Combee have invaded the city! Theyre blocking everything but the Pokemon Center. Before she heads back into the Woods Jessica says that the Combee are coming from the hive in the Woods and that shell reopen the Gym as soon as the Combee problem is solved. You cant do anything in the City and you cant continue on so you might as well heal at the PC and head back into the Woods yourself. Well, what are you waiting for? They battle, Jessica loses and you jump in. Back to the City! As you try to enter the Gym, Red will come out and challenge you. He just beat the leader but all his Pokemon are full heath? Make it to the end to fight the leader. If you get too close to the Combee hives on the trees however a random battle with a Combee will automatically start! Now you can use Cut outside of battle. Also youll receive TM06 Toxic. Well, with the Gym Leader defeated theres nothing to do in town but visit the Honey Farm! But, wait, theres no one there? Oh well, better head on out then. The man at the north will give you a pair of running shoes as you leave. Head to the bridge and a Fisherman will stop you and offer to teach you to fish. You should let him, its hilarious. Plus hell give you a Good Rod. If you decline, hell ask you next time you pass by. Keep going and 404 turns into 405. Its very useful because it can learn both Lava Surf and regular Surf. It can also learn Rock Smash and Strength, four HMs for one Pokemon! Head north and meet up with Kenta. Youll see two Snorlax sleeping and blocking the bridge. Approach them and the girl nearby in the cowboy hat will inform you that shes the owner of the Honey shop, and that you need Honey to wake them. She leaves, and you cant continue until you have Honey. Guess we head back to Inhore. Thats why I brought some! Be careful, Solana is waiting outside the Pokemon Center, and as soon as you try to enter shell challenge you to a battle! Its a rotten trick, she knows she cant take you on at full strength so she waits until youre hurt and catches you right before you heal them. Im on to you Solana! There is absolutely nothing else to do in this town, unless you want to have fun with the puddles graphic glitches. That kept me entertained for a while. A Bug Catcher here gives you a Lucky Egg that, when held, increases the experience a Pokemon gains. Shortly after you pass by the Route 406 sign Diamond will hop down from the ledge and challenge you. You should probably do something about that. Walk up to the City and Red will fill you in on his plan, put out the fires and give you the Steam Uniform. Once youre inside the City, until you defeat Team Steam the only buildings you can access are the Pokemon Center and the Pokemart and the Botanical Building. In order to get inside the Botanical building, however, you need to put on the Uniform. Go to your Key Items, and USE the Uniform. Now you can enter the Botanical Building! Theyll talk for a bit, then Esmerelda will head back to the Gym. On yourway to the Gym, dont forget to talk to the guy on the bench with the Pachirisu and pick up your free Eevee egg! Youll probably notice that outside the Gym is Ash and Red, but this time they dont want to fight you. Theyll thank you for helping and Ashll head off to Seanport. Solve a simple box puzzle and then take on the leader! Defeating Esmeralda grants you the Green Badge! You can now use Lavasurf! Shell also give you TM19 Gigadrain. Once the Gym is beaten you can leave the city and head north to Route 407. You have no choice, better pay up then continue to Bramboch Town. Larvitar hiker inside house Exp Share girl outside Pokemon Center This is where the action happens! Just kidding, although it does have the airport and a guy with a free Larvitar. Head east and youll be accosted by Red! Head on through until you reach Seanport City. Theres also Port here for sailing later. If you wander around, youll find the Gym leader, Lucas, isnt in the Gym. Instead hes with Steven in front of a large Walilord? Theyve been waiting for you, so let head out to Imatari Island and fight Team Steam. You're too late though, Kryorgeand Groundon have awoken andgoing to duke it out. Until Arecus shows up. Lucas is waiting foryou over in thelighthouse on the beach. And the lighthouse is full of trainers. If you had it,you could now use Rock Smash! TM03 Water Pulse is your as well. Head south from thePokemon Center and continue on towards Route 409. Head to the north part of the route to meet Thomas, the Leader of theDardusk City gym. Hell say a couple cryptic words and head back to Dardusk. Try to followhim south and youll find the way blocked by smashable rocks. To get HM06 Rock Smash youneed to speak with the Hiker standing on the east side of the route, near the Pokeballcontaining Silverpowder. Continue south along the route and youll soon encounter Kentaagain. Sorry, but the Bug Catching contest is not active right now. As in, not at all in this game. There are some trainers to fight, some items to get and some new Pokemon to find. When youre all done keep going south and youll reach Dardusk City. Not much to do at the moment because Guardian Tower is blocked off until you beat the leader. So, you might as well head to the gym and do it! To solve them do them in this order: 2, 2, 2, 3. At least as long as you spoke to Thomas before coming to Dardusk City he was on the beach by the Rock Smash Hiker. Face him and defeat him to receive the Ghost Badge. This badge allows you to use Strength outside of battle. And a TM30 Shadow Ball. Once youre all done, leave the Gym and head towards Guardian Tower. Well, as long as you have nothing better to do you should probably help out. Fight your way to the top of the Tower to learn the Team Steam has summoned Lugia, and is now trying to capture it. Take on Kaitlyn to try and stop them! Enter Ho-oh, eager to try and take on Lugia itself. Like an overworked babysitter, Arceus comes in to break up another fight between Legendaries. After everyone clears out Lance drops you off at the Pokemon Center. Be sure to head back to the top of the Tower to pick up a free Spiritomb! With both the Gym and the Tower completed, its time to move on to Route 410! Anyone else having Nugget Bridge flashbacks? No Nugget for you though. Just past the Parasol Lady youll see a plane go by with poor Dragonite holding onto the rear. Thats all, keep going to Dardusk Woods. You come up against Red on a bridge, and hell as you to calm down his Bagon. Approach the Bagon from the right side not the bottom or left and hell calmly head back to Red. He thanks you with a fight. Keep going and head south out of the forest. Youll meet Lure, a leader from the Lauren League, and hell give you HM05, Lava Surf and leave. Now you can head back to Enermy Town and the cave to Mt. As you enter the cave Kenta comes out to surprise you with a battle. Use Lava Surf to ride the lava currents to the other side of the lava pool. Then head to the next floor. Agree with him and hell give you a Pokemon, Deino. Say No to either questions and hell just leave. And then keep going. Head along the path and youll meet up with Diamond again. He disses the other trainers in the cave and then challenges you. The annoying sandstorm is in effect in this route. Continue until you reach the square boxes in the way, then use Strength to push them away. Keep going and youll see Professor Jasmine and her Flygon examining a stone tablet. She takes this tablet back to her Lab, and asks that you give her the last tablet if you find it. Now on to Groment City. If you try to go to the Gym, a miner comes out to tell you the gym is closed because the leader is working in the Groment Mines. To make you feel better, he gives you a ticket to the museum. You might as well, because you wont be allowed in the mines until you do. If you got the Sky Fossil from the Hiker in Mt. Shuem, hell take that and revive it into an Archen! Try to head further into the Museum and youll find, just like the first grunt tells you, Team Steams invading again! Theyre after the Black Stone and the White Stone in a display. The leader tells you to get out of the way, and you do, and they escape in a nice, single file line. And thats it, no one in the museum seem to care or even notice that its just been robbed. So you might as well head to the mines to find the Gym leader. Be sure to bring a Pokemon with Strength. Just head through the mine. Once hes done hell head back to the Gym. If you do fall, just use the ladder in the bottom left of the Gym to return. There are three trainers on the lower level. Defeat the Leader to receive the Earth Badge and TM26 Earthquake. And you can now use Surf outside of battle. You dont get Surf in the city, you get it in Mt. Which, coincidentaly, is the next place to go! Make sure you remember to bring a Surf capable Pokemon with you! And make sure to stock up well, its a long way to the next Gym! Here youll find Steven and the Pokemon Police fighting Terra of Team Steam. They take her away and Steven with give you HM03 Surf. And head out to Route 412. Hope you brought a Pokemon that could learn surf! Make it across the little pond and head up the route. There are some trees in the way, but Red and his Scyther take care of them for you. And he wants to take you on again! And continue you shall, until youre stopped by Lunick! Hell actually ask you if you want to battle. If you say No, hell just leave. They get away quite easily though, and youre free to wander the city. Be sure to pick up HM02 Fly from the Cooltrainer in the first house! The Gym leader isnt in the Gym, so check the Power Plant. Hes been working on restoring power to the plant and now that its all better hell return to the Gym. Defeat the leader and get the Energy Badge and TM24 Thunderbolt. Now you can finally! Now it's time to head out of the city. Head east to Route 417, where you'll find a dead end and the Pokemon Breeders. Head west to continue along to Route 413 and the next Gym. If you continue east you'll find the way blocked by a ledge. There's nothing else to do here, so you should head back to Serenity City and continue onto Route 413. Continue to the next section. So keep on heading north. Try to go north and your way is blocked by Team Steam members. So you have to exit to the east and enter Mt. Follow her to the next section and keep going to the top. Walk around them and talk to Kratos, who has released Resihram and Zekrom in order to capture them. Faithful Arceus to the rescue! At this point Kratos begins to obviously lose his marbles and then calls for a retreat. Cynthia will thank you, and you're free to continue back to Mt. Icestorm, and head north. Better make him move. Shake it off and keep going! Someday I'll get it right. Head to the Pokemon Center and Solana will literally drop out of the sky on top of you! She'll tell you that the Snowce City leader is in Mt. Icestorm and that you'll have to go convince her to come back. Better get on that. And don't forget, you can fly now for fast traveling. Talk to her and she'll say that she's headed back to her gym. If you go to her Gym you're going to be mad, because she's still not there. She's sitting at the northern entrance 3rd room of Mt. Talk to her again, and after she's done laughing she'll finally go back to her Gym! He's just beaten the leader, and wants to battle you before he heads on. Make it through 2 small frozen puzzles and take on the Leader! Your prize is the Glacier Badge! Dive is now available to use. And of course, your free TM, this time TM13 Ice Beam. Solana is standing outside the door and when you talk to her, she'll tell you that she's giving up battling. Before she does, Solana wants challenges you to one last fight! Follow her inside her house, and talk to the woman in the hat to receive HM08 Dive. Leave the house and keep going towards Route 416. They're going to start some trouble, so you need to find their base and start trouble first! Get on the water an head on south, Team Steam is in a big tower on a little island. Make it there to watch Kratos and Percy's little display. Use it, and enter. Make your way to the top and take on Kratos and Percy! They announce their plans and then calmly walk away. On the bright side, look over to the left and you'll see a stone tablet. It's the third piece that Professor Jasmine was looking for! Grab it and head out of the base. Keep going south to reach Drakebreath City. Also on the first floor is the Pokemon Lotto, where you can try to win fabulous prizes! Also, you can't enter the cave, because that's closed off too. You still have that Alpha Tablet though, and Professor Jasmine back in Yellow Town would sure like to have it. So once you're done shopping, it's time to head back to Yellow Town. Jasmine will tell you a story. After warning you about the terrible things that are happening, she'll go right back to her usual message about how you're going to be a great trainer. There is absolutely nothing there to hint about how the cave in Drakebreath City is now open and that that's where Team Steam is setting up its latest operation. But that's what walkthroughs are for! Back to Drakebreath, and Mt. He'll battle you with some ominous music. Percy will step right in front of Gratina and... Everyone else has the good sense to get away, but you get sucked in to the Distortion World! Head to the left, drop through the hole, then continue to the right to face Zero. Being the optimist he is, he's sure you're both going to die here. He makes new plans, and decides to eliminate you as a threat! You should probably do the same! Head to the next area to find Gratina! As you head out you'll find Kaori. He'll let you know that the Drakebreath leader is at the Gym, waiting for you. And that Team Steam got away again. Defeat the trainers and activate the switches to reach the Leader! Once you defeat Wesley himself, you'll receive the Claw Badge and TM02, Dragon Claw. You can also use HM07 Waterfall outside of battle. Head over to the Supermarket and show your new badge to Red he's by the elevator and he'll hand over the HM. Now it's onto Victory Road! Blocking the way is Solana, who says that Lunick wants to fight you first! Head west back along Route 415 to the little house. Head towards the water, but before you get there Kenta will come out of the cave to battle you. Make your way to the dark water patch, and use dive to enter Zhery Underwater. Just below the strange tooth shaped rock is a lighter area, use dive to return to the surface or Victory Road and pick up TM22 Solarbeam or you can just keep going. At the next light colored area, use dive to continue along Victory Road. Head inside to find a Pokemon Center, a Pokemart, and a neat display of all the Zhery Gym Leaders. Ash and Diamond are waiting for you at the north exit. Ash wants to thank you for your help, and Diamond wants a fight. The way to the Elite 4 is clear! First up is Aisey, user of Ground Types! Apparently the excitement is too much for you, you black out and wake up in you room back in Yellow Town. She'll give you a Lauren Pass and let you know that her friend Professor Ellie is expecting you. Now you can head to Seanport City and take a boat to the Lauren Region! Talk to the Sailor in front of the boat and you'll be on your way! Do note that there is no Pokemon Center in the first Town, and the boat doesn't take you back. Bring a Pokemon that knows Fly! Mystic Water Welcome to Lauren! Head north through the town to talk to Professor Ellie. She'll introduce you to Yellow, and ask you to meet up with her again in Carmine Town. Keep going to Carmin Town! Also present are her nephew Yellow, and niece Pearl. As a present for starting in Lauren, Professor Ellie will let you choose one of the Black and White starters! You're not allowed to leave the City to the west yet, so head east to Route 407. Talk to her, and prepare for battle! So head back, then continue to Route 502! END OF LAUREN LEAGUE.
Let's Play Pokemon: Light Platinum - Part 36 - Flamerny Gym Leader Luke
Approach them and the girl nearby in the cowboy hat will inform you that shes the difference of the Honey shop, and that you need Honey to wake them. One useful advice for you is to use Cheats to have many Master Balls to have 100% catching success. Groment City Gym EL-1. Back on first floor, head over the bridge and down to the sincere level by using Rock Climb. Shuem, hell take that and revive it into an Archen. Pichu Lv5 Once the battles over Diamond will introduce himself and challenge you.